it's friday and my brain is stuck on planning imaginary weekend getaways and summer vacations. the office is quiet and i find myself plugging locations into southwest.com and jetblue.com. i'm also sketching out road trip ideas. sheesh--i just came off christmas break! the thing with christmas break is i'm home in ohio on the farm and the farm creates this calm, peace and relaxation that makes finding my groove at the office a little tricky. thus, i mask the tiny struggle by imagining places i'd rather be--more times than not i'm wishing i was still home on the farm.
i hope you have a nice weekend planned. aside from taking down my christmas decorations, i have a wedding open house, dinner with my guy, the movie hugo (i've read the book and the movie trailers look wonderful), and dinner with friends in the city between now and tomorrow evening. as for sunday, i've made a plan to refocus my sundays. (call it a new year resolution, if you will.) because i don't run errands or make many social plans for sundays, i have them mostly to myself and i'm going to dedicate them to reading, resting, and cooking/baking. i love reading but don't get enough during the week with everything else going on--i'm easily distracted. i'm nearly finished with the newberry honor medal winner charlotte's web--what a delightful story--and next up is the phantom tollbooth. i already know the story of charlotte and wilbur but i've never read the phantom tollbooth; i'm quite excited. in addition to that, i've made a goal to read the sunday school lesson the sunday before so that will be added to my sunday reading.
have you any new year resolutions? my others are 1. write a weekly journal entry (this does not include the family letter); 2. go sugar-free at least one day a week; 3. read the entire king james version of the old testament; 4. shop less and save more (this is not just related to apparel but also food; i have a ton of food in my cupboards; i just need to cook it up). i think they're all manageable and definitely areas i could use personal improvement.
happy new year and happy weekend to you.
love truly,
katie kate