the weekend took us from new tires for my jeep to sitting in peet's and watching a man across the street and 4 stories up dump his trash out of his window into the san francisco air. (totally unbelievable. who does that kinda thing?!) we stuffed ourselves on pancakes and roasted potatoes and egg scrambles at savor and tried on shoes at shoe biz. i stopped to smell the lilacs and wish the photo captured their remarkable fragrance. we walked with a bernese mountain dog named maximus, roamed the library (i picked up the devil's teeth--a true story about the mysterious farallon islands), took naps, watched the sword in the stone and the secret of the kells (our nod to the irish holiday), and ate some more. it rained for only a minute and we were glad to be in the dry jeep. that was just saturday.
sunday, i napped, called my parents, and ate a little.
photos taken with instagram
where did the weekend take you?