pull out the rainboots, slickers, and umbrellas, the rain continues!
or, stay in your jammies, curled up cozy in bed with hulu+ and netflix or a page-turner. there's promise of rain for almost the entire weekend. (hooray! we need at least a month of solid rain to heal the earth of this drought.)
saturday, i'm breakfasting at mama's in oakland (i've been craving their challah bread orange zest french toast) with my bridal-shower-throwing girlfriend, rs, and then meeting her new puppy. i might hit the gym if it's raining and if i'm not too full of bread and syrup (ha!). maybe i'll sign up for a yoga class in my neighbourhood instead. then i have a birthday gift to deliver. my dear close friend, as, loves mashed potatoes with lots of butter and so i'm going to whip some up for her on her birthday. fun, right? she's going to the kabuki for some spa time and my plan is to have the tub of potatoes on her doorstep by the time she gets home. and then i'm climbing into my jammies and bed where i plan on snuggling with suzy for the rest of saturday.
public service announcement: i suddenly have the urge to write. clearly influenced by the rain. maybe i'll get some of that done this weekend. that would be truly great.
on sunday i'm hoping to put together a pot of chili and take a walk with my new friend tt, if the skies clear.
it's going to be great. i hope yours is, too.
hugs and love,