if i could, i would—
- wake up at 5.30 every morning and be in bed by 10.45 every night.
- find an old wooden fencepost and stand on it for an entire day.
- bury the hatchet and mind the wasps.
- only wear pretty dresses and pretty skirts.
- run through sprinklers and jump in puddles. always.
- eat strawberries, blueberries, and greek style yogurt with honey every day.
- take a day trip out of the city very weekend.
- start and finish reading a new book every two weeks.
- conform to relying on public transportation and my bicycle. completely.
- budget better.
- save the rhinoceros and polar bear from extinction.
- write and publish a story that would secure a treasured spot on bookshelves around the world like lewis carroll's alice's adventures in wonderland.
- rescue the printed newspaper.
- learn the latin, norwegian, and german languages—written and oral.
- take the summer off from the city life and spend it on 95.5 acres taking walks with dogs and watching goats battle.