Friday, December 3, 2010

charitable weekend.

the weekend is here.


unlike other winter weekends when i might spend my time watching football or christmas shopping, i'll be filling my time with final preparations for and then the execution of the main event; the main event being an annual (annual for the organization but this is my first time in the director's chair.) holiday charitable auction, annual sub-for-santa holiday benefit, i've been planning since october. it's been a lot of work up to this point and more is to occur between now and saturday night--mostly decoration and food prep. luckily, i have great people surrounding me that are willing to share their precious weekend time to help out--hang white lights, arrange furniture, assemble table centerpieces. if it comes off the way i envision, it will be quite magnificent. 

while i have high expectations of how the event is to look (we're going for a classic silver and gold look in the main hall with centerpieces of large glass vases filled with silver and gold ball ornaments and jingle bells.) and taste (rich and savory warm flavours for hors d'ouevres and dinner), all that really matters is that people are willing and able to reach deep into their pockets for the auction items. every penny of the funds raised will go to local families that are in need of holiday betterment. the more money we raise the farther our christmas cheer can reach.

at the close of this weekend, i'm taking a vacation from all other holiday [social] responsibilities and burrowing deep into my comfortable bed with a good book or two (the fate of one of those books to be decided by my brother, mr. center, wordsmith and aspiring author, and the outcome of his poll.) until i head home for the holidays.

wherever you are and whatever you're up to this weekend--any holiday parties going on?--i hope it's lovely. isn't this time of year wonderful?

love truly,
katie kate
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