christmas is in six days. celebrate! which means in five days i'll be home. as my personal countdown continues, here are six more things i'm looking forward to.
1. singing carols--with parts--around the piano with mom at the keys.
2. bowls of white-kernel popcorn dusted with sea salt for late-night snacks.
3. watching mom and dad's faces light up when they open the gift from my youngest brother and me. their mouths will drop in exclamation and excitement. (now that's what i call christmas joy!)
4. wrapping gifts and tying giant bows and finding a spot to stuff them under the tree.
5. lots of quality time with mom and dad--walks across the hills, chats in the kitchen, sharing a computer game, field trips to lehman's hardware and the ashery county store in amish country.
6. christmas morning is much more laid back now that we're older and i like it. we still get up early but we recognize the idea--it's forever been mom's wish--to extend the day as long as possible.
christmas draws ever closer. joy!