Friday, September 16, 2011

weekend for a tough mudder.

the weekend i've been training for over the last 6 months has finally arrived--the tough mudder challenge in squaw valley!


my tummy is a flurry of nerves and my head aches with excitement as i count down to my 11+-mile running obstacle course. as i reread the course list/map this morning, i laughed and gasped in shock 'n' awe:
  1. brokeball mountain: maneuver around massive stones
  2. kiss of mud: belly crawl under wire set only 8 inches from the ground
  3. death march: straight up red-graded ski run to the top of the mountain
  4. everest: slippery giant quarter pipe
  5. spider's web: climb over two cargo nets
  6. funky monkey: monkey bars greased with butter and a threatening ice cold lake below
  7. fire walker: run through blazing kerosene soaked straw; flames at least 4 feet high
  8. mystery obstacle--eek!
  9. cliff hanger: muddy mountain track
  10. berlin walls #1: scale a series of 12 foot high walls
  11. hold your wood: drag a log up a ski slope and then back down
  12. rockslide: downhill rocky slope
  13. berlin walls #2: another set of 12 foot high walls
  14. boa constrictor: crawl through a series of pipes in freezing, muddy water
  15. chernobyl jacuzzi: jump in and out of an icy mixture of assorted carcinogens
  16. underwater tunnels: bob underneath the above-water obstacles
  17. twinkle toes: cross a log bridge over another threatening freezing cold lake
  18. turd's nest: cross a fragile net
  19. devil's beard: low cargo net crawl
  20. log jammin': navigate over and under a series of logs
  21. bale bonds: insurmountable hay bales
  22. walk the plank: 15 feet high splash into a cold pond followed by a swim back out
  23. electroshock therapy: field of live wires; some carry a 10,000 volt of shock
i must be nuts, but i'll be with friends, which doesn't make me any less nuts but i'll have others that are just as crazy as me. and i have family and friends cheering me on from all over the country. i can do this! it should be a lot of fun and i know my adrenaline will be pumping something fierce tomorrow when we arrive at the course. and when it's all over, i'll be an official TOUGH MUDDER!

to ready my mental toughness, i've been watching lots of training sequences from the rocky series--no one conquers the impossible like rocky:

so, that's what i'll be doing this weekend. what're your plans?

love truly,
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