Friday, November 4, 2011

dearest weekend, thank you for showing up.

it's the weekend!


not only is it the weekend but fall weather has come to the bay area. woohoo! i switched out my closet last night but it needs tidied and better organized. i'm just so excited when i open the closet door and see lofty sweaters and brightly-coloured cardigans on the shelves and hangers. such happiness. and then my coats, too, and hats and berets and mittens and gloves and thick scarves and tights. favourite season, hands down.

this kind of weather lends itself well to window shopping and visiting small beach towns; eating hearty brunches and driving through the countryside. that's pretty much my weekend in a nutshell and i can't wait. it'll be easy and quiet and on-the-go but without a schedule to keep. perfect. what are you up to this fall weekend? has winter settled in for any of you?

big birthday wishes go out to my nephew jacob and my niece rebekah, turning 7 and 5 respectively (i think). how i wish i could be at their superhero birthday parties.

happy weekend to you all.

love truly,
katie kate
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