Friday, February 17, 2012

3-day weekend and happy birthday to my mom!


another 3-day weekend. yes! the first 3-day weekend in months i won't be heading to the great northwest to see family. sad. instead, my guy and i will be living it up locally. dinner tonight at suriya, my favourite thai place. tomorrow we'll mosey about the city--perhaps stopping at the ferry building and then nook for pizza, games and snacks. i'm hoping for a quiet and restful sunday. and for the extra day off, monday, we may head up to marin for a nice hike or trail run, or we may be super lazy and stay in and watch ben-hur (i've never seen the 222 minute epic film; pretty stoked about it).

today is my mother's birthday--my mother and friend. i treasure and cherish the relationship i have with my mother. she's a wise soul and a classy, beautiful woman. i still hope to be like her one day, as a woman and as a mother. she's just remarkable.

ok, lovies, best wishes to you on this president's day weekend.

love truly,
katie kate

p.s. i'm trying to resist buying these booties for myself for my mom's birthday. it's her birthday, not mine. so no to the booties, right?
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