this week felt much longer than last—which is confusing because it's the same number of days in every week. i know some of you have felt the same. and like i'm sure you are too, i'm looking forward to the weekend.
i'll be continuing on with my "spring cleaning"—going through closets, reorganizing papers and crafts, throwing out clothes—and hope to hit another trail for a long run through the joaquin miller park. more rain is expected to hit all weekend long so i may end up at the gym. i love the rain. and i love running in the rain. but only when it's at least 70 degrees outside.
it's been two weeks since my last visit to san francisco so it only makes sense for me to cross the bay. my reason: baby shower! i'll probably stop by tartine—i just can't help myself—to grab a croissant or two and maybe a mexican wedding cookie—theirs are the best. i should cook or bake this weekend but i may be lazy and read and watch movies instead.
have a wonderful weekend!
love truly,
katie kate
p.s. to those of you in the midwest and east, good luck in the snow storm. i'm completely run over with jealousy. make a snow angel or fort or have a snowball fight. go sledding or shovel designs in your sidewalk/driveway. do it for me.