the weekend has arrived!
and this is going to be a happy times weekend. the weather is expected to be perfectly warm and sunny. i plan on hitting the road on my bicycle for a sunday afternoon easy-breezy ride (i'm hoping it will stir up my imagination, too, so i can do some writing), meet up with a dear friend who's back in town for brunch on saturday (i absolutely love brunch. don't you?), and congratulate a newly-married friend at her reception saturday evening. what are you up to? i know there's a giant yard sale in pleasant grove, utah going on and picnics. what else?
now that summer's hit, are you basking in all its glory? as much as i love the cooler/colder months, i do enjoy the warmth of summer. it's nice being outside--walking, riding bikes, sitting under a shady tree. what's your favourite summer activity?
happy times weekend to you and yours!
love truly,
katie kate