Monday, June 13, 2011

typewriter love.

every now and again my mind takes off down a path of cemented certainty that my writing would be stronger and my imagination ever more creative if i had a beautiful [vintage] typewriter to tell my tales. and so i hop on and browse to my little heart's desire.

then i remember how much i love my backspace key and the fun and ease of starting a brand new document after 3 lines without wasting a sheet of paper. typerwriters are fun to think about--and i love the voss (no surprise seeing that it's the most expensive one)--but i'll stick with my macbook.

images courtesy of

vintage royal singer, $48.00  /  smith-corona super sterling, $199.99  /  voss deluxe, $400.00  /  penncrest caravalle no. 10, $85.00

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