Friday, June 3, 2011

mental disorder posters.

i find these minimalistic posters of mental disorders by patrick smith incredibly enlightening and interesting. they truly demonstrate the disorder. you know, you hear some of these words and you kinda get it in your head and you're too embarrassed to ask for clarification because it's something you feel like you should know and then when you see it drawn out like this the lightbulb goes on full blast. yup. got it.

images courtesy of

i can relate to the ocd poster, a little. i didn't realize i was [even a little] ocd until i moved into an apartment all by myself. everything has its place. and while it can be out of its place for a short time, it will eventually freak me out. seriously. maybe i can blame it on the fact that my apartment is so small that when something is out of place the entire apartment appears to be in shambles and disarray. yeah, that. i'm going to blame the small apartment.
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