Sunday, November 27, 2011

thanksgiving leftovers.

there were several wonderful pictures taken during the thanksgiving holiday but these are my favourites: ellen, my niece, myself, and biz, my cousin's youngest, had some fun with photo booth. 

this was one of the best thanksgivings in my memory. my brother and sister-in-law (parents to ellen and james) in moses lake, washington hosted and it was a perfectly full house--3 of my 4 brothers were there, another sister-in-law, and my cousin's husband and 3 children--who i hadn't seen in years. it was truly a delightful time as we took to the kitchen, prepared the thanksgiving dinner, and just laughed and shared stories. after dinner, as food was settling in our bellies, we went around the table telling what we were very thankful for. this was easy for me--my family. i love my family and i love how much fun we have together as adults. as we've grown seamlessly with spouses and children, our friendships grow, too, and life just gets better and better. this is what makes life full.

i hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving holiday and that your thanks will continue with you through your day-to-day.
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