i'm so ready for the weekend. and i've been looking forward to this saturday for a few weeks now. we're attending the wildflower festival in sunol regional wilderness--hikes, nature picture shows, wildflowers galore. sounds lovely, doesn't it? we'll probably drive over to the calaveras reservoir. with the weather promising to be agreeable this weekend (we've been slammed with rain and last night we had an amazing thunder and lightning storm) has all the makings for a perfect saturday in california.
that's really the highlight of my weekend. the rest of the time will be spent doing all sorts of chores and baking (if i really get myself in gear) in preparation for my sister's visit next week. happy day! do any of you actually enjoy doing chores, too? i mean, i'm not interested in getting on my knees and scrubbing the bathtub every night but there's something very rewarding about sprinkling the comet powder and wiping it away revealing the tub in its whitest state. and to have a closet and drawers full of all clean and nicely folded clothes. makes me sleep better at night.
happy weekend to you all!
love truly,
katie kate