Saturday, June 2, 2012

the weekend is still going!


it's already saturday evening and i'm pooped from the weekend activities.

friday night we attended a wedding in sonoma county. the event was lovely, we had a fun table to share the meal with, and i wore this amazing vintage dress.

we enjoyed a leisurely no-crowd (the wind and overcast sky must've kept everyone, especially the tourists, inside) breakfast at dolores park cafe on saturday before heading northeast on a scenic drive to beautiful and quaint st. helena. the drive was gorgeous as we wound our way through the back roads of wine country and onto main street. we bounced in and out of adorable little shops with friendly shop keepers, picking up some gifts along the way. there was one shop that was all olive oil with tastings and delicious tapanades and dips. we sampled our way through the entire store and debated for a few seconds on a $12 bag of striped bow-tie pasta--we decided the size of the bag didn't match the cost. one door down from the olive oil shop was a shop of vinegars with samples as well. so much fun! then we headed southeast to fairfield for a bbq and pool party. during some down time at the grad party i was able to send some birthday greetings to my 3-year old niece via skype. yay!

what a weekend so far and only one day left of it. wishing the weekend didn't have to end.

how's your weekend?

love truly,
katie kate

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