friday: lanesplitter to share a calzone and off to the berkeley hills to watch the sun set. stop by the market on the way home for buttermilk so i could bake blueberry muffins. and bake blueberry muffins i did. i pulled them out of the oven around 11.00p.
sunset photo taken with instagram
saturday: visit to pretty penny for skirts and dresses. i came out with 3 skirts and 1 dress, all vintage, for under $100. what a steal! over to bakesale betty to share a fried chicken sandwich and an extra serving of cole slaw. yummm. on to crossroads in berkeley so my guy could trade-in some jeans. he gave me the store credit and i picked up 3 tops. that night we hung out at home, made dinner, and watched stupid tv.
sunday: back to the oakland 9th family ward and then rested for most of the day. called home for a nice chat with mom and dad. ate an apple and some toast. said goodnight to my man on the phone and out with the lights.
did you have a good weekend?
love truly,
katie kate