i am well into my thanksgiving holiday with my family and couldn't be having a better time. the kids and i are reading lots of stories, watching cute movies (like pixar's the incredibles), chasing each other around the house, and just hanging out. they're a blast. my newest niece (she's coming up on 4 months) loves being held and kissed and snuggled; i can't get enough of her cuteness.
as a household, we're still enjoying leftovers from our thanksgiving meal feast. we're layering stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and turkey in bowls and drowning them in gravy before they hit the microwave. the food gets better and better with every passing day.
today we'll watch the ohio state and michigan rival football game (go buckeyes!) and continue on as before--eating, playing, and napping.
i hope your thanksgiving was bounteous and full of thanks!
love truly,
katie kate