i always stand in awe of people like shannon. they find something they want to do, learn how, and just do it. remarkable. and now she's being spotlighted in anthology magazine. amazing.
i want one. the alberta table lamp, white + cherry i think. the turquoise + cherry is pretty, too.
images courtesy of caravan-pacific.com
i love the smell and feel of sawdust. i grew up running my fingers through the mounds of the fine dust on my father's workbench. he'd often have some kind of wood project going--whether it was whittling by hand or using his larger tools. of the pieces he's crafted for me, i hold tightly to my personalized step stool and bold rhino. maybe someday i'll be able to share that step stool with a daughter of my own. i don't believe he has much time for whittling or woodworking these days which makes the memories even sweeter.