Saturday, December 28, 2013

christmas break: day one.

with a solo san francisco-based christmas break before me, i listed out a bunch of places to visit and things to do to keep busy and entertained; to make the most out of my vacation time. after sending my mr. off to work thursday morning, i layered on running clothes, stuffed a handknit beanie into my bag (thanks mom!), grabbed some snacks, and headed north to point reyes to run among the remarkable and grand tule elk.

they didn't disappoint.

after 4.7 miles, i reached the end of the earth and took in the remarkable view--a needed reminder of the amazingly beautiful place i get to call home--deeply breathing in the fresh fresh air. the return was looming overhead and off i went, accomplishing nearly 9.5 miles total.

my next stop: nicasio valley cheese.

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