Tuesday, January 7, 2014

the sweetest animal photos you've ever seen--

last night, with my hubs chuckling at me, sharing the sofa, legs outstretched before us on our coffee bench and the bcs championship game on, i clicked through the sweetest, most incredible animal photos by sharon montrose, animal photographer extraordinaire, oooo-ing and awww-ing over every single shot because they're just precious. i nudged him to look at them between plays and he did, like a good husband. and, like a good wife, i responded to his exclamations during the game. gosh, what a great monday night, even though florida state won.

i dare you to resist scrolling down and releasing those gasps of adoration. if you wanna ease into it, read this excellent q&a in a cup of jo (a daily blog read of mine). but seriously, prepare to fall head-over-heels with her and her work. i did again.

images courtesy of theanimalprintshop.com

that bunny bum, the alpaca, and the baby bobcat melt my heart. the way the bobcat's head is tilted in curiousity is so similar to suzy when she's playing. i want prints of every single one. 

i think i'm going to email sharon requesting she photograph a white rhino. she needs to. 

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