chapter 005.
I didn't vote for Trump, which shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that knows me. And while I'm devastated at the turn of events and nervous for the future, I'm standing alongside President Obama and Secretary Clinton -- remembering the sun will come up tomorrow and to not lose hope. In the midst of such a tragedy, I thought it helpful to remind myself of what I do vote for and some of my hopes.
- more time with family
- honesty with ourselves
- more productive me-time
- reading books
- more time in the kitchen
- more sleep
- less candy
- more hugs
- more benefit of the doubt
- more kindness
- more patience
- more fresh air
- less darkness
- more white lights
- less clutter
- purpose
- a future for each woman in her chosen path
- more cronuts from Donut Savant
- more nights by the fire
- more snow angels
- herbal tea and popcorn
- snuggles with pets, babies, and nieces and nephews
- sunsets
- my someday farmhouse
We can all benefit from sharing our hopes with each other, and that in no way is my entire list. If you feel like adding your two cents, you're welcome to.