it's been another full week. thursday felt like friday; wednesday was a late social night (double-date with friends over vietnamese takeout); thursday I wanted to cry after work I was so tired.
luckily, the weekend is now upon us and I can get some rest. tonight we're going out to look at a gliding rocking chair and then home for popcorn and a show, perhaps the crown. tomorrow is a read-a-thon at my stepdaughter's school -- husband and I are judges. after that I'm meeting up with my friend that is pregnant with twins for a late lunch and, from that point on and through sunday, will be downtime for rest, reading, and writing (I'm currently working on a whole version of my miscarriage story to share with publications for [gulp] print -- the story in separate parts 1, 2, 3, and 4).
a few amusing bits from this week:
- my black maternity jeans are ripping in an unfortunate place. so sad! wearing them with tunics and minidresses is the only solution to continuing their life until my due date because there is no sense in buying another pair.
- I signed up for a free trial of diapers from the honest company and they were delivered today. they are newborn size and absolutely adorable. next week my lenny lemons order comes in and I can't wait to see those sweet outfits. truthfully I wasn't going to buy baby brooks any new clothes this early on but I couldn't resist when I saw this onesie, this outfit, and this play suit. cute, right?
- friends are letting us borrow their moses rocking bassinet and it's now in our living room. suzy keeps sniffing and hiding underneath it. I wonder what she'll think when there's a baby in there making sounds she's not accustomed to hearing. I've also started filling my cart with motherly things, like nipple cream, a nursing pillow, and our stroller choice. this is getting real.
- a moment ago I typed "pooportunity" in a work email. surely this is a sign of early onset mom brain. and the fact that the trial bunch of diapers are right next to me.
on that note, friends, I'll sign off. best wishes for the weekend ahead!
kcb + baby