i love my name.
i love seeing my name in different fonts.
and so, when my friend, dh, linked me to daily drop cap, i excitedly scrolled through the entries looking for my initial, "k," and here's what i found:
images courtesy of dailydropcap.com
find yours!
a few months ago, i started collecting my initial in different forms to decorate my apartment. (does that make me narcissistic?) one is simply a block "k" out of plywood. it resides on my windowpane. another is a fabric "k" pasted onto a background of old book pages from my friend bh. it resides on my desk leaning up against the wall. my first "k" was a birthday gift from my friend kr. it's a magnet and painted white with blue and green polka-dots (i love polka-dots!) and two ribbons. it smiles at me from my refrigerator.
do you collect items with your initial?